Thursday, November 20, 2008

Teach Your Children Well

I usually am not very serious here, and I like it that way. The blog for me is an escape in a sense to laugh and talk about funny stuff in my life. This entry, however, is a serisous one. If you are new to my blog, please dont be afraid to come back, they are not all this sobering.

I read an email tonite that was very disturbing. Just when I think I have heard the worst story of murder and senseless loss, another one proves I was wrong.

The email I read tonite was of a 3 year old boy in 1993 who was out of his mother's site for only a second, and was escorted out of the mall by 2 TEN year old boys. What happened next was brutally tragic. I will not expose you to the details, and believe me there is a reason for that, suffice to say the boys life was taken in a way that would sicken even the hardest criminals.

As I read through the email many emotions boiled forth from sorrow to anger. As a father I was frightened, but as a christian I grew more determined.

The thing I took from this email, in an obvious attempt from satan to scare and shake my foundation was this; I can do everything in my power to save my daughter's earthly life, but even my best efforts may fail her. What I CAN do is remain vigilant in teaching her about Jesus, and the erternal life she will have with Him and the Father.

I am reminded of Matthew 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

I know that if I teach Anni about God and He truly lives in her heart, then whether she is forcibly taken from this life (at any age) or she passes in a rocking chair in her late 90's, she will spend eternity surrounded by friends of the faith and her family.

In this I found comfort, and I thought I would share the thought, because I know each of us hear of tragedies all the time. Maybe the next time you read or hear of a world continuing to spiral in sin, you too can rest on God's promises, and hug your kids and strengthen your resolve to teach them our faith.


Gena said...

you are absolutely right babe. Since I have chosen this field of study, these same thoughts have come to mind. There is a lot of evil in this world, but we served an Awesome and Mighty God, so when we've done our best, no matter what happens, in the end WE WIN!

I love you

jeramy sossaman said...

thanks james. god is in control...all the time.

Chelle said...

You know what James... I'm with you. It's really scary to think about who or what is out there. But in all honesty, I'm just ready for Jesus to come back and take us ALL!!