Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Coast Guard and the LifeGuard

I watched a movie several nights ago called "The Guardian". Many of you may be familiar with the flick starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.

I was struck by a line in the movie that stated, "we do everything just alike, we train all our men and women to act and perform task to EXACT specifications", Okay maybe that is not an exact quote but you get the idea.

The point here is that any one member of the coast guard can be dropped into any unit across the country and immediately go out on assignment. This is because the procedures are all the same across the entire Coast Guard Nation.

As Christians we are the same way, God trains his children to be ready to serve at a moments notice and his values and teachings go across the board. If you are in Fairfield, CA or Luray, VA you can serve God at any time and with any crew. Only the names will change.


Friday, July 25, 2008

I dont know why she hangs around me.

If you are reading this and thinking "oh not another blog about how much they love each other I think I will throw up". Well put your trays and seats in their full upright positions buckle up and grab the barf bag cause here it comes.
For the record, this woman has put up with me for almost 22 years now. I am quick to point out that is a far greater testament to her than it is to me.
She has always made sure the beds were made, the laundry done, the supper cooked, the house cleaned, the birthdays remembered, the presents bought, the Christmas cheer enhanced, the family photos taken, the husband supported, the daughter fed, clothed, taught and disciplined, the biggest pieces of food given to anyone but her, always taken a backseat to anyone else's needs, given till it hurts, never complaining, always complimenting her undeserving husband like he is the greatest thing in the world, moving to Knoxville for her husband, moving to Luray VA for her husband, lives every breath for everyone else.
I have much more to say that 21 years has collected. Suffice it to say the woman is unbelievable. She has so much talent and ability, and potential,yet she puts it all aside to be my wife and Anni's Mommy.
She makes so much about me seem so wonderful and yet I look at her and I see the servant to all that Jesus calls us to be. If any of you have been around Gena, you have been cooked for and served like royalty. That is just her nature.
She also has a gift of discernment, and I am not talking about discerning when I need to get off my butt and do something, she can see things in the spiritual world that amaze me when revealed.
To say that I thank God for making us soul mates would be an understatement. I am like the leper who turned and ran back to Jesus thanking him for His healing, on my knees weeping at His feet thanking Him for my beautiful, precious, giving, loving, wife.
Gena will probably think I wrote this to be silly or amusing, truly nothing is further from the truth, I LOVE YOU BABY with ALL MY HEART!!...and I ALWAYS WILL....get the picture?

Monday, July 14, 2008

One for Michelle...Short and Shallow

If you have ever experienced hypothermia because you went to a drive in movie in a convertible, with the top down to see the movie "Closed For Winter!"

You might be related to Michelle.

there ya go Chelle....;-)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Heres you Sign

I am surfing the net when I see a proposal in South Carolina for "I Believe" licences plates. I thought to myself oh boy here they come. I was not disappointed. I was very encouraged to see the A.C.L.U. is up to speed on the issue naturally calling for lawsuits. American United for the Separation of Church and State chimed in. I am so glad all these organizations are on the lookout for my welfare.

Before I decided to go "reverend" Jesse Jackson on someone and remove parts of anatomy. (JUST KIDDING). I saw a quote from the governor of SC who said..."While I do, in fact, ‘believe,’ it is my personal view that the largest proclamation of one’s faith ought to be in how one lives one’s life.” This struck me as very true. There are some on the other side of the fight trying to get plates that say "I don't Believe". I thought this is obvious, if you don't believe it is very evident. I thought you know if we do believe it should be obvious as well, without a license plate to do the talking.

Ok, with that being said and reiterated by the SC governor, another thought crossed my mind, and yes I am going to share it....humor me. When we see fights like this in the news it is a no win situation these days for the christian community. The ACLU and other freedom of speech stealing organizations will always lawyer up and the publicity of the fight and the mudslinging will do more harm than good. Even if the christian side is victorious.

So here is what I thought, when Jesus began his ministry He did not go appeal to Rome for personal plates on the chariots, or buy a bunch of "what would (I) do" wrist bands. He simply served His Father and the people around Him. He washed feet and ministered and taught to individuals. The government in His day as in ours will always squash efforts to display our faith. I am not saying we should not stop these efforts, just don't be discouraged when they do not succeed, and above all keep ministering to the people around you.

Ok I feel better now, thanks for the vine