Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Coast Guard and the LifeGuard

I watched a movie several nights ago called "The Guardian". Many of you may be familiar with the flick starring Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher.

I was struck by a line in the movie that stated, "we do everything just alike, we train all our men and women to act and perform task to EXACT specifications", Okay maybe that is not an exact quote but you get the idea.

The point here is that any one member of the coast guard can be dropped into any unit across the country and immediately go out on assignment. This is because the procedures are all the same across the entire Coast Guard Nation.

As Christians we are the same way, God trains his children to be ready to serve at a moments notice and his values and teachings go across the board. If you are in Fairfield, CA or Luray, VA you can serve God at any time and with any crew. Only the names will change.



Chelle said...

You're right James! Thanks for sharing. But for the record... I wish God dropped you guys in Fairfield INSTEAD of Luray. I'm just sayin...

Pastor's Perspective said...

I'm preaching in an orange jumpsuit and helmet just for you this weekend James! Seriously, cool observation - cool truth. I agree with Chelle. A Coast Guard unit in interior Virgina? We're near the Bay & OCEAN!Those jumpsuits are designed to GET WET!

jeramy sossaman said...

i hated that movie

james said...

navy man are ya??

Chelle said...

I need more from you James. I'm waiting.

jeramy sossaman said...

CLICK HERE to win my 100th blog post contest.

Gena said...

Okay Mitchell, I love you but you really need a new blog babe. You'd think you've been busy or something! Sheesh! Love you bunches.

Lauren said...

Yes, I concur, you need a new blog!

I do like this post, though. You reminded me what keeps me out here instead of Virginia, even though in many selfish ways it's where I'd rather be (trust me, I see the irony in me saying that to you). Thanks.

Clint Ceralde said...

Thanks for sharing that. I'm finding that out first hand right now...From Fairfield to Norfolk, I'm able to serve side by side with fellow Christians and step right in where I left off.