Thursday, June 5, 2008

Balls and Strikes, Yippees and Yikes

I dont know if it was the inspiration I recieved from the great ball player Sam Kiefer or just a love of the game to pass along to my loving daughter. I bought her a bat and a ball from the wonderstore that is Wally World. I have never really been a huge baseball fan but I remember my dad playing ball with me in the backyard and it was a great memory.

Anyway I know you all are soaking your feet from that trip down memory lane so let give get to the story. Me and my baby girl living the dream in the backyard. She is not too bad either, I am not biased at all. She hits hard enough to go from the garage to the side of our house in the air (this is a long distance trust me...or ask Michelle she has seen it....on second thought just trust me) Anni then runs around the outside of oour house yelling Home Wun Home Wun!!! I guess ya gotta be here. It is awesome and I have learned a lot watching and playing with her. On one instance I pitched the ball and she smacked it, got a hold of it, put the pepper on the bun, ripped the stitches, sent a get the idea. The next thing she said was "Daddy? why you on the gwound? Ahh you okay Daddy? Mommy!!! Daddy Hut.

There are times when watching your child grow and experience new things truly takes your breathe away...this was one of those times.


Gena said...

Guess it's a good thing we don't intend to have our own biological children huh babe?

Chelle said...

Hilarious! Making memories... it's the best. Ever since Steven Curtis Chapman's little Maria died so suddenly it's been ever present on my mind that I don't have the luxury to take one, single second for granted. It can all change in an instant. Keep making more memories with that precious gift we all call Anni!!!

jeramy sossaman said...

good stuff James. Posts like this are made for summer time....light breeze, lawn mowing, bbq smell, van morrison, good times!